Thursday, August 7, 2014

Final Impression

After dinner, I walked alone on the road to the classroom, the road that I walk on everyday. The sun had already gone down while the sky was still bright. There were some students on the road ,going to take their night class. Time goes by,  it's only three days away from the end of this program while I can still remember the night that I came to Yale.
Walking and thinking, six weeks ago, all about Yale was just like a dream, I could only get some information and photos of Yale from the Internet. But now, I have lived and studied in Yale for nearly six weeks, everything about Yale has become familiar to me : Morse college, the WLH, the gym, all the libraries and even the Yale farm.
In my First Impression, I said that I hope the good impression of Yale could continue to the end. Now I think this wish come true. And I love Yale even more. I love the teachers here, they are really different from China's teachers, so I can study something new from them and I really admire the way they teach students. I love the clean and quiet streets here, which make me walk more leisurely. I love the weather here, it's much cooler than it is in Shanghai, so I don't need to worry about the high temperature. I love the blue sky and the white cloud here, they always bring a good mood to me. Well, to be honest, there is one thing I don't really like: the food. I miss the Chinese food very much.
Maybe it is the the only time I can study and live in Yale, maybe I will have another chance in the future. Anyway, I will treasure up this six weeks in my memory.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

New York Boat Trip

The mountains of people and the seas of cars reminded me of Shanghai, but the churches and the American-English around told me : Welcome to New York.
The main thing in New York for me was to enjoy the boat trip. It was really a big boat with two floors above the deck and another floor under the deck. There were so many people and we were in a hurry to board the boat so that I had no chance to take a photo of the big beautiful boat. A friend of mine told me: "Don't worry, you will have plenty of opportunities to take photos in the boat." He was right, from the boat, I could see the green sea, the blue sky and the New York city becoming an integration. New York was famous for his skyscrapers and so was Shanghai. As a person who traveled in both of the two cities, I thought Shanghai was better in the absolute height of the highest building while New York was better in the number of skyscrapers. However, no matter how high the building was, it looked just like a toy when you were very far away from it.
Sea, Sky and New York city
The crowd started cheering like crazy when the Statue of Liberty appeared in my sight. It was just like a spot at first and then began getting bigger. I was so excited to see the Statue of Liberty because of the importance and the historical significance of it. It is just like the Taishan Mountain of Chinese culture - the representative of American culture. And it not only represented the liberty of the America, but also lightened the freedom road for the whole world.
the Statue of Liberty
Finally, a machine that could create coins with interesting picture attracted my eyes. It needed 4 quarters and 1 cent to start work. I didn't have any coins but it was not a big problem. I changed 1 dollar to 4 quarters in the canteen and asked my friends for 1 cent. Then I carefully put the coins to the machine and turned the machine four times. With a crisp sound, a coin with the Statue of Liberty picture on it came out. It was really wonderful, I would treasure it as a good memory of the New York boat trip.
the interesting machine
the memorial coin


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Harvard and MIT

There are only three subway stops’ distance between Harvard and MIT, but the differences between them are like men and women, out of reach.
I could easily find the difference when I was just out of the subway station: There was a sea of people in the  Harvard Square while I could only see a big ball in a fountain and a few people out of the the MIT station. 
outside of the Harvard station

outside of the MIT station

Harvard was lively and crowded, there were many beautiful libraries, lots of schools, a lot of students and even groups of visitors. MIT was calm and quiet,  there were few buildings and fewer people, and it was hard to find the campus of MIT.   


There are also other differences which can't be found by eyes: MIT is focuses on science and technology while Harvard is better at social science and humanities. The ways that they train students are also not the same. Students can get more free time in Harvard if they want, but it is something  the MIT's students can't imagine. The students of MIT have to work hard and hard to finish their homework and experiments, many students don't even have time to visit the Boston Bridge until they graduate. There is a saying that it is hard to enter Harvard while it is hard to get out of the MIT. 
Harvard Business School

MIT Computer Building

However, no matter how many differences between Harvard and MIT, there is one thing they share: they are both in the pursuit of truth.