Thursday, July 31, 2014

911 Memorial Museum

Although there were many clear signs and we confirmed it to police, it still took us a bit more time to find the entrance of the 911 event memorial museum. It was so small a door that we almost missed it. But there were many people in the lines and we realized it was the museum.
What made us surprised was we needed a ticket to enter in. We thought the memorial museum must be free because it had important historical significance and free would attract more people to know this event correctly. Whatever, we bought tickets and entered the memorial museum. It was very noisy outside while inside was so quiet though lots of people were here. We could see the live video and hear the sound when the event happened. People were all very panicked whether in the World Trade Center or out, whether in New York or not, whether they saw it in the scene or on the screen. I couldn't stay here because it was so sad and then I went forward. There was a photo wall, plastered with photos of people who died or missed in this event. They were smiling in the photos, while their relatives and friends must be very sad.
photo wall
I found some audio story in the underground. The people who told the story all had a trembling voice though they tried to hide it.
audio story
I felt a little difficulty in breathing, so I prepared to go back. A little cute girl happened to appear in my eyes. She was so beautiful and full of the smell of life, which made me relax and breath better.
little cute girl

We all have precious lives and a beautiful world. But wars and conflicts are hurting our lives and ruining the world. We should stop them and give peace back to the world. And people can also get a more peaceful and harmonious life. Although, it is still a long road to reach.        

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