Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Home

There were 3 days holiday because of the International Labour Day. I decided to go back home. After 3 hours of flying and 2 hours of driving, I finally came home. I opened the door, then passed through a corridor , I came to the drawing room. I was really tired so I went to a chair to sit down.
drawing room and the chair I seat
My mom was sitting in another chair ,
drawing room and I seat in the middle chair
She asked me how about my life in the university. Dad told her I was good before I opened my mouth,because he had already asked me in the car. It was 6 pm and I was very hungry. Mom said she prepared a wonderful dinner for me. The dinning room was just beside the drawing room so I walked to the dinning room immediately,
finding there were so many delicious dishes.
the door links drawing room and dinning room
dinning room
I really had a big meal with my parents that day. It strengthened my thoughts that our home cooking was the most tasty food in the world. Then I passed through the drawing room to go to my bed room. All things were familiar: my bed, my computer, my studying desk , my bookcase,two maps of China and the world and three posters of my favorite players.
my bed room

I stared at the posters on the wall for several minutes and they brought me back to my childhood.
the posters of my favorite players
Then I walked to the balcony, which was just beside my bed room, to see the primary school I studied in. Something changed, there were two more teaching buildings than the time I studied. But one thing would never change. I lived and grew here. Here was always my home.                  

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